I have a meticulous attention to detail and a logical mind with a good approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion. I am collaborative, reliable, trustworthy, hardworking and eager to learn. I'm in search of work more focused around my interest and passion, which is working with different technologies, computer systems and networks.
Through the code institute, I have learned new skills and developed great understanding which has led me to become Full Stack Software Developer. I'm currently proficient in html, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Flask, Python and Django.
I'm a skilled Full Stack Web Developer with a wealth of diverse life and technical expreience that i can bring to every project.
Full Stack Web Developer
Electro-Mechanical Engineer
Break from Work
Technical Sales Engineer
Break from Work
Project Engineer
I'm skilled in User Experience and mobile first Design using the trinity of HTML/CSS/Javascript. I also have extensive experience in Front End Frameworks such as bootstrap, Materialize and jQuery
I specialize in data-driven web applications. Many of my projects utilise document-based data. I use Python and Django in conjunction with MongoDB to process and present information.